did the work on the CWIN
website started? What was
the initial Purpose of the
website? Has it change since
Rai :
It was since
the 1998, I was working
in CWIN as its Programme
Officer and Editor of
'Balsarokar', Nepali monthly
magazine focused on Children
issue. Before joining
CWIN, I had created a
very simple website for
General Federation of
Nepalese Trade Unions
(GEFONT). In the basis
of that experience, I
initiated to create a
Website for CWIN. Though
it was not my assigned
job at CWIN, I started
to design website and
launched it under the
Mercantile's domain South
Asia .Com. Some of my
co-workers, particularly
Ms. Rupa Dhital and Ms.
Sumnima Tuladhar fully
supported me to writing
and editing the content.
Then I started to play
with the website myself
and learned more idea
about designing and managing
the website. However,
it was one of the pioneer
website of non-profit
social organizations in
initial purpose of CWIN
website was to publicize
CWIN's activities, share
experiences and make available
online children related
information to strengthen
advocacy work for Rights
of the Child in Nepal.
Following the same purpose,
it has been re-structured
and redesigned many times
to give it a proper look
and shape as per new leanings
by self practice.
are responsible for the
creating and maintaining
the CWIN website?
Since I
left my full time job
at CWIN in 2001, I have
been maintaining this
website as a freelancer
with a tiny team from
CWIN. Basically Ms. Sumnima
Tuladhar, the coordinator
of CWIN Resource and Information
Centre and me are responsible
for maintaining this site.
noticed the website is
multilingual. What are
challenges of Creating
and maintaining the multilingual
CWIN website is in English
accompanied by Nepali,
German and French version.
However, there is no integrated
and automated multilingual
system applied in order
to administrate this 'multi-lingual
website' yet. In fact,
versions other than English
and Nepali were developed
with the contribution
of foreign volunteers
and well-wishers. Basically,
there is no problem to
run bi-lingual (English
and Nepali) website. But,
in the case of other foreign
language, there is no
perfect solution we found
yet. So far as CWIN experience,
it has been possible in
that extent, how much
we are able to motivate
volunteers to continue
their contribution on
manual translating the
contents. Otherwise, in
my opinion, we have to
wait for an error free
language translating technology
or software to be able
to run a perfect Multilanguage
are challenges you are
facing to maintain and
develop the website? How
are you dealing with the
a website for an organization
is not only a technical
matter. In fact, maintaining
or keeping it up-to-date
is more crucial task than
to design it. People are
not paying proper attention
towards this fact. Though
organizations are running
their websites, but they
still haven't taken it
as an important
agenda within the organizational
frame work. They are not
allocating enough human
and financial resources
for this purpose.
I am working on websites
as a distance or telework.
People can't see me while
I am working on my desk,
so they can't feel my
sorrow and frustration
directly. Usually, people
think that, a webmaster's
job is very luxurious
and too technical. But
in my opinion, it is also
a knowledge work and seeks
both physical and mental
Unlike a
dedicated full-time webmaster,
I am looking after number
of websites for many NGOs
and INGOs including CWIN,
have been just my 'late
night job' or 'side job'
at my home. So, it's definitely
a challenge for me to
maintain a website perfectly.
situation is slightly
getting better. People
are now realizing how
a website can play a vital
role and be supportive
to achieve organizational
goals and mission.
there any plans for major
future changes for the
there is no proper plan
for structural changes
of CWIN Website. Decision
will be taken after the
yearly review meeting
with organizational authority
which will take place
at the end of the year.
Any suggestions you want
to give to other organizations
on the pros
And cons of creating and
maintaining an organizational
We have
to realize that, an organizational
website is, of course,
more than an electronic
version of a printed brochure.
Creating and launching
a website is just a beginning.
There should be a proper
planning for maintaining
it. It is, definitely,
insufficient to assign
a technical hand, unless
it is incorporated into
the organizational structure
and taken it as a core
agenda. A functional web
operation team comprises
at least one person having
up-to-date and authentic
knowledge regarding organizational
policies and strategic
priorities along with
other technical hands.
website can substitute
or strengthen the public
relation, publication,
resource information management
and campaigning work of
an organization. Having
and not having website
for an organization is
a drastically different